یک لیست جامع از وبلاگ های فعال آینده پژوهی
لیستی از وبلاگ های آینده پژوهی که توسط آینده پژوهان سرشناس از سراسر دنیا نوشته می شود و برای علاقمندان به رصد مباحث آینده پژوهی منبعی عالی و ارزشمند باشد .
Title | Web Site | Author first name | Author last name |
Prospectiva Chile | www.prospectivachile.cl | Paola | Aceituno |
The Futurist Blog | http://www.eufo.org/the-futurist-blog.html | Stephen | Aguilar-Milan |
World Future Society | http://www.wfs.org/blog | Stephen | Aguilar-Millan |
David B. Agus, M.D. | http://davidagus.com/category/blog/ | David | Agus |
Perspektiva | http://www.perspektiva.com.br | Rosa | Alegria |
Bryan Alexander | http://bryanalexander.org/ | Bryan | Alexander |
Bridge8 | http://bridge8.wordpress.com/ | Kristen | Alford |
Newly Corporate | http://www.newlycorporate.com | Brandon | Alsup |
Fully Alive Leadership | www.fullyaliveleadership.com/blog/ | Jack | Altschuler |
Jan Amkreutz (Temporary) | janamkreutz.com/Digeality_Memo_s.html | Jan | Amkreutz |
Busynessgirl | http://busynessgirl..com/ | Maria | Anderson |
Accelerating Future | http://www.acceleratingfuture.com/michael/blog/ | Michael | Anissimov |
Deep Futures | http://www.mind-futures.com/category/blog/ | Marcus | Anthony |
Weak Signals | http://www.forumforthefuture.org/blogs | Louise | Armstrong |
WFSF-IBEROAMERICA | http://www.wfsf-iberoamerica.org | Guillermina | Baena Paz |
Cassandra’s Legacy | http://cassandralegacy.blogspot.it/ | Ugo | Bardi |
Explaining the Future | http://www.explainingthefuture.com/ | Christopher | Barnett |
Weak Signals | http://www.forumforthefuture.org/blogs | Rodrigo | Batista |
The Futurist | www.smartcompany.com.au/the-futurist-4.html | Dr. Colin | Benjamin |
The Human Race to the Future | http://blog.thehumanracetothefuture.org | J. Daniel | Berleant |
۰-Dark-Thirty | http://www.0-dark-thirty.blogspot.com | Vince | Bernhardt |
The Next Big Thing | http://h30507.www3.hp.com/t5/The-Next-Big-Thing/bg-p/643 | Charlie | Bess |
futurethink | www.futurethink.com/blog | Lisa | Bodell |
Shifting Thinking | http://www.shiftingthinking.org/?cat=93 | Rachel | Bolstad |
The Speculist | http://blog.speculist.com/ | Phil | Bowermaster |
After the Millennials | www.afterthemillennials.com | Anne | Boysen |
Scenario-Land | http://www.scenarioland.com/futureblogger/ | Alvis | Brigis |
Alex Burns | http://www.alexburns.net | Alex | Burns |
Strategic Insights | www.burrus.com/blog | Daniel | Burrus |
Future Atlas | http://www.futureatlas.com/blog/ | Josh | Calder |
Futurist at the Movies | http://www.futuristmovies.com/index.php/blog/ | Josh | Calder |
Foresight Alliance | www.foresightalliance.com/blog | Josh | Calder |
The Sceptical Futuryst | http://futuryst.blogspot.com/ | Stuart | Candy |
The Global Futurist | http://www.globalfuturist.com/ | James | Canton |
Harbinger Consultants | http://harbingerconsultants.wordpress.com/ | Linda | Caroli |
Jim Carroll | www.jimcarroll.com/category/blog | Jim | Carroll |
World Future Society | http://www.wfs.org/blog | James | Cascio |
Open The Future | http://www.openthefuture.com/ | Jamais | Cascio |
The Global Futurist | http://theglobalfuturist.blogspot.com/ | Douglas | Castle |
Learning Ecosystem | http://danielschristian.com/learning-ecosystems/category/future/ | Daniel | Christian |
Joe Coates | http://josephcoates.com/articles.html | Joe | Coates |
Integral Futures | http://integralfutures.wordpress.com/ | Terry | Collins |
World Future Society | http://www.wfs.org/blog | Samuel | Collins |
Thinking Futures | http://www.thinkingfutures.net | Maree | Conway |
Worldview Watch | http://www.projectworldview.org/worldviewwatch.htm | Stephen | Cook |
Futurismic | http://memebox.com/futurescanner | Brenda | Cooper |
Trendsurfer | http://trendsurferblog.com | Lee | Cowherd |
and space consulting | http://www.andspaceconsulting.com/blog/ | Christian | Crews |
Foresight Alliance | www.foresightalliance.com/blog | Bill | Croasmun |
The Next Wave | http://thenextwavefutures.wordpress.com/ | Andrew | Curry |
Scenario-Land | http://www.scenarioland.com/futureblogger/ | Adam | Cutsinger |
Critical Thought | http://criticalthought.com | Stuart | Dambrot |
Publications | Jim | Dator | |
Trends in the Living Networks | http://rossdawsonblog.com/ | Ross | Dawson |
Delaney Foresight | http://kate-delaney.com/blog/ | Kate | Delaney |
Foresight Files | http://foresightstyles.blogspot.com/ | Natalie | Dian |
Your Future | www.Globalchange.com | Patrick | Dixon |
Scenario-Land | http://www.scenarioland.com/futureblogger/ | Stuart | Dobson |
Think Beyond | www.thinkbeyond.co.nz/blog | Cheryl | Doig |
Aiglatson Foresight Research | http://aiglatsonforesight.com/ | Dennis | Draeger |
Freakonomics | http://www.freakonomics.com/ | Stephen | Dubner |
The Future Now | http://www.iftf.org/futurenow | Jake | Dunagan |
News of Future | http://newsoffuture.com/ | Pontus | Edenberg |
Local Rat | http://localrat.com/ | Emily | Empel |
Creative Class Group | www.creativeclass.com | Richard | Florida |
Healthcare Futurist | http://www.imaginewhatif.com/blog | Joe | Flower |
Strategic Foresight | http://www.joshfloyd.com | Josh | Floyd |
Edgy’s Economic Futurist | http://www.alsekresearch.com/blog | Joan | Foltz |
Market Whipped | http://marketwhipped.com/blog | Joan | Foltz |
FutureTimeline.Net | http://www.futuretimeline.net | Will | Fox |
Urbanverse Posterous | http://www.Urbanverse.Posterous.com/blog | Cindy | Frewen Wuellner |
The Futurist Thomas Frey | http://futurist.typepad.com/ | Thomas | Frey |
El Blog de Juanjo Gabina | http://juanjogabina.com/ | Juanjo | Gabina |
World Future Society | http://www.wfs.org/blog | Eric | Garland |
Foresight Coach | http://www.jaygary.com/ | Jay | Gary |
Christian Futures Network | http://www.christianfutures.com/blog | Jay | Gary |
Centauri Dreams | www.Centauri-Dreams.org | Paul | Gilster |
Garry Golden | http://www.garrygolden.net/ | Garry | Golden |
Future Think Tank | www.futurethink.com/blog | Garry | Golden |
Scenario-Land | http://www.scenarioland.com/futureblogger/ | Garry | Golden |
Fresh Perspectives | http://www.cheskin.com/blog/ | Miguel | Gomez Winebrenner |
Speculist | http://www.blog.speculist.com | Stephen | Gordon |
Management by Looking Ahead | http://blogs.forbes.com/adamgordon | Adam | Gordon |
Future Savvy | http://futuresavvy.net/category/all/ | Adam | Gordon |
Foresight Alliance | www.foresightalliance.com/blog | Roumania | Gotseva |
New Zealand Futures Trust | www.futurestrust.org.nz | Mike | Gould |
Foresight Alliance | www.foresightalliance.com/blog | Terry | Grim |
The Bucky-Gandhi Design Institution | http://vinay.howtolivewiki.com/blog/ | Vinay | Gupta |
Early Futures | http://earlyfutures.com | Heidi | Gustfson |
The Future Now | http://www.iftf.org/futurenow | Jean | Hagan |
World Future Society | http://www.wfs.org/blog | William | Halal |
Bill Halal | http://www.billhalal.com | Bill | Halal |
TechCast | http://www.TechCast.org | Bill | Halal |
The Future Now | http://www.iftf.org/futurenow | Ben | Hamamoto |
Career Design | http://career-design.com/blog.html | Helen | Harkness |
The Future Now | http://www.iftf.org/futurenow | Gabriel | Harp |
The Consilience Group | http://www.theconsiliencegroup.com/ | Ken | Harris |
Actionable foresight | http://actionableforesight.wordpress.com/ | Peter | Hayward |
Futures Discovery | www.futuresdiscovery.com/articles | Alireza | Hejazi |
WFS Blogs | http://www.wfs.org/blogs/Alireza-Hejazi | Alireza | Hejazi |
World Future Society | http://www.wfs.org/blog | Hazel | Henderson |
Scenario-Land | http://www.scenarioland.com/futureblogger/ | John | Heyland |
Futurist | www.futurist.com/blog | Glen | Hiemstra |
Hinesight | http://www.andyhinesight.com/blog | Andy | Hines |
Houston Foresight | http://www.houstonforesight.org/ | Andy | Hines |
Future Fact and Fiction | http://www.sci-fi-future-fact-fiction.blogspot.co.uk | Noel | Hodson |
LoneMind | http://lonemind.com/ | Marc | Howard |
Happy Future | http://happyfuturegroup.com | Sheryl | Hunter |
Eco and Just Futures | http://www.ecoandjustfutures.com | Karen | Hurley |
Seth Itzkan Futurist | www.planet-tech.com/allblogs | Seth | Itzkan |
Articles by Sohail Inayatullah | http://www.metafuture.org/articles.htm | Sohail | Inayatullah |
The Fertile Unknown | http://www.creativeemergence.typepad.com/ | Michelle | James |
Far Other Worlds | http://www.dominiquejaurola.com/category/foresight/ | Dominique | Jaurola |
Gaia Somatics | http://www.gaiasomatics.com | Christopher | Jones |
Foresight Alliance | www.foresightalliance.com/blog | Mark | Justman |
Foresight Alliance | www.foresightalliance.com/blog | Christopher | Kent |
Kiteba | www.kiteba.com | Eric | Kingsbury |
Weak Signals | http://www.forumforthefuture.org/blogs | Hugh | Knowles |
The Future Now | http://www.iftf.org/futurenow | Bradley | Kreit |
Lois des réseaux | http://reseaux.blog.lemonde.fr | Dominique | Lacroix |
House of Futures | http://houseoffutures.dk/blog/ | Gitte | Larsen |
Jim Lee | http://www.wfs.org/blogs/james-lee | Jim | Lee |
Gerd Leonhard | www. MediaFuturist.com | Gerd | Leonhard |
The Futurist | http://www.diversityof.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=5&Itemid=6 | Deborah | Levine |
Freakonomics | http://www.freakonomics.com/ | Steven | Levitt |
Intelligent Futures | http://www.intelligentfutures.ca/blog/ | John | Lewis |
The Futures Underground | http://www.thefuturesunderground.com/ | Josh | Lindenger |
Futurodyssey | http://futurodyssey.blogspot.com/ | Tom | Lombardo |
Tim Longhurst | www.timlonghurst.com/blog | Tim | Longhurst |
Forum Blog | http://www.forumforthefuture.org/blogs | Peter | Madden |
Future Blog | http://future.germanblogs.de/ | Stephan | Magnus |
Foresight Culture | http://foresightculture.com/ | John | Mahaffie |
Alphan Manas | http://www.alphanmanas.com/ | Alphan | Manas |
Futecture | http://futecture.wordpress.com | Jeremy | Mancuso |
Houston Foresight | http://www.houstonforesight.org/ | Christopher | Manfredi |
Connext Strategies | http://www.connextstrategies.com | Christopher | Manfredi |
Cosmic Revolutions | http://www.cosmicrevolutions.com | Scott | Margeson |
Fresh Perspectives | http://www.cheskin.com/blog/ | Leigh | Marriner |
Blog | http://www.globalforesight.net/index.php/category/blog/ | Mike | McAllum |
Futurismic | http://www.Futurismic.com | Jonathon | McCalmont |
Future Scanner | http://memebox.com/futurescanner | Jonathon | McCalmont |
Future Comm | http://foresightcommunications.x.iabc.com/ | Pamela | McConathy |
You found me. | http://janemcgonigal.com/ | Jane | McMonigal |
WFSF Blog | www.wfs.org/network | WFSF | Members |
Ian Mercer | http://blog.abodit.com/ | Ian | Mercer |
Future Blog | http://future.germanblogs.de/ | Pero | Micic |
Emergent by design | http://emergentbydesign.com/ | Vanessa | Miemis |
Future Blogger | http://www.memebox.com/futureblogger | Venessa | Miemis |
Scenario-Land | http://www.scenarioland.com/futureblogger/ | Venessa | Miemis |
Emergent by design | http://emergentbydesign.com/ | Venessa | Miemis |
Ian Miles Blogs | http://milesblogs.blogspot.com/ | Ian | Miles |
Foresight | http://fullyfledgedforesight.blogspot.com/ | Ian | Miles |
Futures | http://4site.blogspot.com/ | Ian | Miles |
Articles by Ivana Milojevic | http://www.metafuture.org/articlesbyivana.htm | Ivana | Milojevic |
Your Eye on the Future | http://www.morrisyoureyeonthefuture.com/ | Morris | Miselowski |
Education | http://www.educationfutures.com | John | Moravec |
Integral Futures | http://integralfutures.com/wordpress | Dennis | Morgan |
KedgeForward | http://forwardonline.wordpress.com/ | Michael | Morrell |
Actionable foresight | http://actionableforesight.wordpress.com/ | Rowena | Morrow |
Vahid Motlagh | http://www.researchblogging.org/blogger/home/id/1403 | Vahid | Motlagh |
Vahid Motlagh | http://vahidmotlagh.blogspot.com/2011/06/vahid-v-motlagh-daily.html#!/ | Vahid | Motlagh |
Forum Future Blogs | http://www.forumforthefuture.org/blogs | Multiple | |
FutureTakes | http://www.futuretakes.org/blog/ | Multiple | |
Lifeboat Foundation | http://lifeboat.com/blog | Multiple | |
The Long Now Foundation | http://blog.longnow.org/ | Multiple | |
Future Now (IFTF) | http://www.iftf.org/futurenow | Multiple | |
World Futures Studies Federation | http://wfsf.org/network/ | Multiple | |
Trend and Tonic | http://trendandtonic.thefuturescompany.com | Multiple | |
Club of Amsterdam Blog | http://clubofamsterdam.blogspot.com | Multiple | |
Learning Scenarios | http://learnignscenarios.org | Multiple | |
Shifting Thinking | http://www.shiftingthinking.org/?cat=94 | Multiple | |
Houston Foresight | http://houstonforesight.org | Multiple | |
FuturePredictions.com | www.futurepredictions.com | Mutiple w/video | |
The Energy Futurist | http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/energy-futurist | Chris | Nelder |
Paleo Futures | http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/paleofuture/ | Matt | Novak |
The Future Now | http://www.iftf.org/futurenow | Neela | Nuristani |
World Future Society | http://www.wfs.org/blog | Erica | Orange |
Ever Smarter World | http://www.www.eversmarterworld.wordpress.com/ | Stephen | Palacios |
Fresh Perspectives | http://www.cheskin.com/blog/ | Stephen | Palacios |
Future Pundit | http://www.futurepundit.com/ | Randall | Parker |
Your Guide to the Future | http:/timeguide.wordpress.com | Ian | Pearson |
Future Tech | http://www.businessweekly.co.uk/blog/futuretech-with-ian-pearson-of-futurizon | Ian | Pearson |
The Food Futurist | http://hfgfoodfuturist.com | Christophe | Pelletier |
Happy Future | http://happyfuturegroup.com | Christophe | Pelletier |
The Positive Futurist | http://www.positivefuturist.com | Dick | Pelletier |
World Future Society | http://www.wfs.org/blog | Hank | Pellissier |
FutureLab | http://www.futurelab.net/blogs/ | Neil | Perkin |
The Future Now | http://www.iftf.org/futurenow | David | Pescovitz |
Zika Blog | http://www.zika.rs/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=42&Itemid=94 | Živojin | Petrović |
Exopolitics Peru | http://www.peruexopolitics.blogspot.com | Giorgio | Piacenza |
iKnow | http://community.iknowfutures.eu/mod/blog/everyone.php | Rafael | Popper |
Jonathan Porritt | http://www.forumforthefuture.org/blogs | Jonathon | Porritt |
Noah Raford | Noah | Raford | |
Action Foresight | Jose | Ramos | |
Foresight Development International | http://foresightdevelopment.org/blog/ | John and Ellen | Ratichek |
Signature Insights | http://www.signaturei.net/blog/ | Marsha | Rhea |
Craig Rispin’s Future Trends Blog | http://www.futuretrendsgroup.com/ | Craig | Rispin |
Escaping Mediocrity | http://escaping-mediocrity.com/sarahrobinson/ | Sarah | Robinson |
Sara’s Voice | http://www.ourfuture.org/users/sara-robinson | Sarah | Robinson |
Singularity Hub | http://SingularityHub.com | Aaron | Saenz |
The Everyday Futurist | http://www.karensands.com/blog | Karen | Sands |
Grow | http://www.businessesgrow.com/blog/ | Mark | Schaefer |
Otto’s Blog (Theory U) | http://www.blog.ottoscharmer.com/ | Otto | Scharmer |
Dreaming the Seemingly Impossible | http://www.heathervescent.com/ | Heather | Schlegel |
Global Business Network | http://www.gbn.com/blog | Peter | Schwartz |
Gray Scott | http://www.grayscott.com/blog/ | Gray | Scott |
Serious Wonder | http://www.seriouswonder.com | Gray | Scott |
Visioning 2050 | http://visioning2050.blogspot.com | Harish | Shah |
Fresh Perspectives | http://www.cheskin.com/blog/ | Lee | Shupp |
The Future Now | http://www.iftf.org/futurenow | Sara | Skvirsky |
Integral Futures | http://integralfutures.com/wordpress | Richard | Slaughter |
http://strategicforesight.tv | Richard | Slaughter | |
Richard Slaughter | http://www.foresightinternational.com.au | Richard | Slaughter |
Richard Slaughter | http://richardslaughter.com.au/ | Richard | Slaughter |
World Future Society | http://www.wfs.org/blog | John | Smart |
Ever Smarter World | http://www.eversmarterworld.wordpress.com/ | John | Smart |
Global Futures and foresight | http://www.thegff.com/Groups/72628/Global_Futures_and/Blog/Blog.aspx | David | Smith |
Changeist | http://www.changeist.com/changeism/ | Scott | Smith |
Drill Down | http://blog.pushthefuture.org/ | Cecily | Sommers |
KedgeForward | http://kedgelabs.com/blog/ | Frank | Spencer |
Hindsight/foresight/insight | http://chriscstewart.com/blog | Chris | Stewart |
Broader Perspective | http://www.futurememes.blogspot.com/ | Melanie | Swan |
The Futurist Blog | http://www.eufo.org/the-futurist-blog.html | Jason | Swanson |
Rohit Talwar’s Blog | http://widerhorizons.wordpress.com | Rohit | Talwar |
Unique Visions | http://www.uniquevisions.net/ | Joe | Tankersley |
Ufuk Tarhan’dan | http://www.m-gen.biz/default.asp | Ufuk | Tarhan |
Trend Talk | http://www.trendtalk.com/trendtalkblog/trendtalkblog.html | Bob | Treadway |
World Future Society | http://www.wfs.org/blog | Patrick | Tucker |
Chris Varley | http://www.chris-varley.com | Chris | Varley |
The Reticulum | http://www.markrvickers.com | Mark | Vickers |
Timeline Blog | http://www.petervonstackelberg.blogspot.com | Peter | Von Stackelberg |
World Future Society | http://www.wfs.org/blog | Cynthia | Wagner |
Futurethink | www.futurethink.com/blog | Jennifer | Wang |
The Next Big Future | http://nextbigfuture.com/ | Brian | Wang |
What’s Next: Top Trends | http://toptrends.nowandnext.com | Richard | Watson |
How you can save the world | http://weineredrichbrown.com/blog/ | Edie | Weiner |
World Future Society | http://www.wfs.org/blogs/verne-wheelwright | Verne | Wheelwright |
The Futures Lab | http://www.futures-lab.com/blog | Derek | Woodgate |
Plutopia | http://www.Plutopiaproductions.com | Derek | Woodgate |
Futuresearch | http://www.futuresearch.com/futureblog | Richard | Worzel |
Future Tech | http://www.bcs.org/content/conBlog/20 | Chris | Yapp |
Futures & Strategic Foresight | http://www.guyyeomans.com | Guy | Yeomans |
David Zach Futurist | http://www.Davidzach.typepad.com/ | David | Zach
این مطلب چه میزان برای شما مفید بود؟
میانگین امتیاز 0 / 5. تعداد نظرات: 0
مطالب زیر را حتما مطالعه کنید
شانس زندگی دوباره
شانس زندگی در آینده دور با علم وجود دارد آنهم در واقعیت نه در یک فیلم علمی تخیلی
علمی هست به نام Cryonics از اوایل دهه شصد میلادی آغاز شده است .
پیش بینی اندیشکده شورای آتلانتیک برای ۲۰۲۲؛ از جنگ با روسیه تا توافق با ایران
پیش بینی اندیشکده شورای آتلانتیک برای ۲۰۲۲ ، به 20 مورد اشاره کرده است که با بیان میزان احتمال بیان کرده است . مطالعه این پیش بینی برای مدیران و اندیشمندانی که علاقمند به رصد اتفاقها و سناریوهای آینده هستند بسیار می تواند مفید باشد .
آیا برای یک ایران پیر آمادهاید؟
پیر شدن ایران ۳۰ اردیبهشت روز ملی جمعیت است ؛ روزی که به ما مجددا...
انعطاف پذیری شرکت برای جهان بعد از پاندمیک
چک لیست آزمون انعطاف پذیری شرکت برای جهان بعد از پاندمیک یک مسئول کارگزینی که...
وبینار بایدها و نبایدهای سرمایه گذاران و مدیران در سال ۹۹
توضیحات وبینار بایدها و نبایدهای سرمایه گذاران و مدیران در ۱۳۹۹ مالیات، بودجه، ارز و...
۱۰ ترند راهبردی فناوری در سال ۲۰۱۹ به انتخاب گارتنر
۱۰ ترند راهبردی فناوری در سال ۲۰۱۹ به انتخاب گارتنر برای کسانی که به بحثهای...
این سایت از اکیسمت برای کاهش هرزنامه استفاده می کند. بیاموزید که چگونه اطلاعات دیدگاه های شما پردازش میشوند.
دیدگاهتان را بنویسید